After having my beta testers successfully test the various bits of tech that go into EverHarvest, I've decided to go ahead and release a command-line version of the harvest bot. This is the first time an actual harvest bot has been available from, and I'm pretty proud of it so far. I've been using it personally for about two weeks while debugging and tweaking, and in that time it's made me about 10 plat, just from selling off the stuff I've harvested while testing... Pretty crazy. I hope everyone else has similar success.
This also means that I'm officially no longer taking beta applications for this iteration of the bot. Once the next version pops up, I might re-open applications, but that will depend on how many of my current beta testers decide to stay on the post-release beta team.
So where do we go from here?
Good question. Once the bot is released, there is still a ton of work to be done - I will be completely replacing the current walkpath-driven system with an intelligent pathfinder (as discussed in a previous entry). Additionally, there will be tweaks, bug fixes (even the most rigorous testing misses the ones that scurry behind the walls), and new features that I haven't even though of yet. Plus, there's data-collection to be done - the intelligent pathfinder will only be intelligent because it will have knowledge of the layout of zones - knowledge that we (more likely I, if I can't farm some of it out) will have to provide it with.
So... That's about it this update. More later. =)
1 comment:
How do you think this bot will affect the price of harvested materials on the broker when this hits public release?
Seems like an influx of botters on harvestables will drastically drop the prices.
Guess that could be good and bad depending on who you are.
I'll probably use the bot either way as long as its pretty secure.
Cant wait to see it.
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